Expressions From Abrahamic Traditions

The concert was held to represent the three Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Organised by the Ismali Community Ensemble (ICE) stemming from an idea conceived early in 2010. With the facilitation from the three faiths Forum – a UK based organisation that seeks to foster friendship, goodwill, and understanding amongst Muslims Christians and Jews.
Following on from Prime Minister David Cameron’s speech on multi-culturalism, I began my speech by saying that we can no longer live as a divided Britain. It is my view that in order to make London and indeed the United Kingdom stronger we have to show an understanding each other. We have to appreciate the cultures, the music, the literature, and the backgrounds that make us who we are as individuals, and understand what we each bring to London to make this city the glorious kaleidoscope that it is.
The music of the evening was a tremendous collaboration of songs which stirred the passions of all three faiths. Comprising of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Pandemonium and Morley Chamber Choir of Morley College no heritage was left unsung.
“From one seed many fruits, To one light many paths” an eruption from all whom attended the evening provided spectators with a scene of religious unity. The spectacular grand finale entitled “You” brought all the musicians on stage, playing and singing in unison under the leadership of ICE artistic director Paul Griffiths.
Concerts of celebration, such as that seen in Cadogan Hall, helps to pull the many communities together regardless of their heritage or beliefs. Peace, love and humility, three things that are the foundations of any great community and the three things that any attendee whether they are Muslim, Jewish or Christian took away from the evening.