The Death of Osama Bin Laden
Posted May 04, 2011
Today the world can breathe with a sigh of relief as a man responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent men women and children across the globe has finally answered for his many crimes. In a raid carried out by the US Special Forces, Osama Bin-Laden a terrorist who proudly claimed responsibility for the orchestration and execution of the 9/11 attacks and July 2005 bombings, was shot and killed at his compound in Abbottabad after being offered a chance to surrender and refused. His body was buried at sea amid fears that his grave would become a militant shrine to those who support the terrorist group al-Qaeda.
We must remember, that although a man regarded as the most influential figure in terrorism has died, our war on terror is still on-going for as long, as people believe that it is acceptable to take a life in the name of an ideology, our fight against such a threat will remain part of our everyday lives.
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