
London 2012 Olympics

London 2012 Olympics

With the 2012 Olympic Games fast approaching, I have been working to champion equality and diversity. The Equality and Diversity forum of which I am Chairman has played a key part in this. The forum is made up of the main 2012 partners including the Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Olympic Delivery Authority, the Olympic Park Legacy Company, the Government Olympic executive and the GLA.

Working Towards an Inclusive London

It is great to see in the report that some of the key achievements involve:

initiatives that have led to 5% of women making up the contractor workforce on Olympic Park;

details of the work that is being undertaken to make the recruitment drive for the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG’s) 70,000 volunteers and the 8,000 London Ambassadors Volunteers;

details of the Mayor’s ‘Big Dance’ which will get Londoners fit through dance and ready to provide a warm welcome to the world in London 2012;

the Government’s legacy plan, London 2012: a legacy for disabled people, which is the first of its type and has been praised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). The plan sets out a number of initiatives aimed at harnessing the power of the Games to improve the life chances of disabled people in the run up to 2012 and beyond;

and initiatives to provide sporting opportunities to 20 million young people by 2012 including PlaySport London which encourages people to try out new sports.

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